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2023-07-18 12:44:55

Yoga for Beginners with Eesha Buwa _ Art of Living Yoga [ Beginners Level ]

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Good morning , everybody .

My name is Isha .

I'm a shish yoga instructor and today I'm going to guide you through a half an hour yoga session .

We'll do a few stretches and a few that you can practice on your own at your home .

So let's begin with a little bit of warm up and then let's get on to the A .

So let's start by doing some neck movements as you breathe in , let your head fall back .

And as you breathe out , chin to the chest breathing , look up and as you breathe out , look down , he then breath out .

Let's start with clockwise negations .

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Breeding in front to right and back , breeding out back to left and front , the opposite direction .

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Very slow and gentle rotations and to relax some shoulder rotations , clockwise , breathing in , strengthen up , breathing out back and down the opposite direction , breathing in bad enough , bleeding out front and down and you may relax .

Let's do some twisting .

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So remember when we twist , we are twisting from our abdomen , not only from the upper back and shoulder .

So as we breathe in , we stay in the center breathing out , we go to the sites breathing in , we come back to the center and as we breathe out , we go to the other side .

So let's begin and come back to the center .

Hands on the waist , increase the distance between your feet .

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And let's start with clockwise , waste rotations , big , big circles with your waist , the opposite direction , anticlockwise .

Let's keep a nice smile on our face as we do this and come back to the center , I will swing the right leg , front and back , make sure you are well balanced on the left foot on the left leg .

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If you're losing balance at any point of time , you can look at a stationary object .

And to me , relax , let's do the same thing with the left leg .

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And she collected Angela .

Let's start walking , increase the pace and then start jogging .

Start shaking your hands , shoulders the head and let your entire body move .

You take your hands up to the sides back to the center and relax .

Let's be here for a few seconds that our eyes closed .

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Observe the sensations within and serve your breath slowly and gently with a nice smile on your face .

You may open your eyes .

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Well , let's stand with her feet hit with the bat , the toes are pointing to the front as you breathe in , take your left arm up from the side and as you breathe out , bend from your waist to the right side and look at the left palm , breathing come up and as you breathe out , relax your left hand breathing in , take the right arm up and as you breathe out , bend from your waist to the left side , it's all right .

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If you're not able to go down further , make sure your body is straight , breathing in , come back .

And as you breathe out , relax the writer .

Now as you breathing , take both the arms up , join them .

And then I must say interlock the fingers , only the index fingers and the thumbs are pointing up , arms are close to the ear .

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And as you breathe out , bend from your waist to the right side , breathing into the center , breathe out , bend from your waist to the left , breathing in , come back to the center .

And as you bleed out , relax the arms , let's increase the distance between the feet .

Feet are about 3 ft apart .

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The right foot , the toes are pointing to the right , it's 90 degrees and the left foot is 15 degrees in the feet are aligned in such a way that if you draw a line from the right hand , it crosses through the center of the left foot , hips facing the front , left hand is on the waist and as you breath and take your right arm up , pull the tip of your fingers towards you .

And as you breathe out , slide your upper body to the right side , like you're pushing the wall on your right breathing in , come back to the center .

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And as you breathe out , relax the arms , your left foot is 90 degrees right .

For this 15 degrees in hips , facing the front , your body is facing the front , right hand on the waist .

As you breathe in , take your right left hand up , pull the tips of your fingers towards you .

And as you breathe out , slide your upper body to the left side , breathing in , come back to the center .

And as you breathe out , relax , let's come back to the center feet , a shoulder with the back .

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And as you breathe in , take your arms up , arms are parallel to each other .

Like you're holding a box between your palms , neck is aligned with the spine back is straight .

And as you breathe out , you twist from your abdomen to the right side , like you're showing the box to the people on your right and look over your right shoulder , breathing into the center , breathe out , twist to the left , the feet are firmly placed on the floor .

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Breathing , come back to the center .

And as you breathe out , relax .

Now let's all settle down .

Let's stretch the legs to the sides as much as you can .

Keeping your back straight and as you breathe in , take your arms up , London is fine and as you breathe out , go to the front , interlock your fingers and let's start with clockwise rotations here , breathing in front to right and back , breathing out , back to left and front .

Let's do the opposite direction at no point of time .

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Are you bending your arms ?

You go all the way back and then right and front and left and come back to the center , join the feet , interlock your fingers , hold the feet together , bring them close to the body .

Keep your back straight and let's start flapping our legs up and down .

Like how a happy butterfly flaps its wings .

Let's move our legs up and down and slowly relax and breathing in , let your head fall back .

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And as you breathe out , bend from the base of your spine , go to the front as much as you can long and deep breath in and out because you're here breathing in , come back up .

And as you breathe out , relax and it sits straight with the spine of it .

Legs are stretched in front of you .

Pals are under the knee , take a break in .

And as you breathe out , twist to the right place , the right palm behind the right butter left palm is on the right here and look over your right shoulder .

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Breathing in .

Come back to the center as you breathe out , twist to the left , left palm behind the left buttock , right palm on the left knee , breathing and come back to the center .

And as you breathe out , relax , let's see , a few lying down on the stomach pizza together and then on the sides , pumps , facing the ps facing up .

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And as you breathe and lift the right leg up without bending from the knee .

And as you breathe out , stretch the right toes away from the body , chin is on the floor .

And as you breathe out , relax the right leg breathing in , lift the left leg up without bending from the knee .

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And as you breathe out , stretch the toes away from the body breathing out , relax the left leg make fists of wood .

The hand place your thumb inside the fist , place the hands close to the groin , chin on the floor .

And as you breathe in lift , pull the legs off the floor , breathing out , stretch the toes away .

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And as you breathe out , relax snakes , she likes her hands , stretch your hands to the front .

And as you breathe in , lift your arms , your legs , your upper body of the like you are ready to fly has OK .

Long can be bits in my mouth .

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And as you breathe out , relax place the palms under the shoulders .

Chin is on the floor peter preferably together , elbows close to the body .

And as you bleed in , lift your chin , shoulders , chest , upper abdominal off the floor , the shoulders are relaxed .

Remember it's a happy cobra and elbows are close to the body .

And as you breathe out , slowly relax your body back on the floor .

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I slowly come back into the child's p hips are on the heels , chest on the thighs , forehead on the floor .

Act in the child's post .

Those who find it difficult to place a forehead on the floor .

They can form fists of both the hands , place them on top of each other and place the forehead on top and slowly sit up , stretch the legs to the front and let's lie down on the back , bend your legs , the knees are pointing up towards the ceiling .

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Feet are hit with the path , arms are on the sides , palms on the floor .

And as you breathe in , lift your hips lower back , middle back off the floor , roll in your shoulders , lift your upper back off the floor , interlock your fingers under the button on the floor and let's relax and say to the bridge pose .

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And as you breathe out , slowly come down , relax around and gently place your body back on the floor .

Stretch your legs , stretch your arms to the face at shoulder level , farms are facing up breathing in bend , the right leg , place the right foot on the left knee , left palm on the right knee .

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And as you breathe out , twist to the drop the right knee to the left side , look over your right shoulder , but the shoulders are firmly placed on the floor breathing and come back to the center .

And as you breathe out , relax the right leg breathing in , bend , your left leg place the left foot on the right knee , right palm on the left knee .

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And as you breathe out , twist to the right , drop the left knee to the right side and look over the left shoulder .

It's all right .

If your left knee does not touch the floor , make sure the shoulders are firmly placed on the floor .

Breathing in , come back to the center .

Breathe out , relax , relax your hands , breathing in , bend the right leg and the right snee close to the chest .

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Hold it with both the hands and as you breathe out , lift your upper body up , see if you can place your forehead or nose on the right knee , the other leg is straight on the floor .

Breathing in , relax the upper body .

And as you breathe out , relax the right leg breathing in the , bring the knee close to the chest , hold it with both the hands and as he breathed out , he lifted upper body up .

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Keep the other leg as straight as you can breathing .

Relax the upper body , check bend both the legs as you breathe in , wrap your arms around and as you breathe out , lift your upper body up , see if you can place your nose in between the knees and give yourself a nice cozy hug .

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You slowly start rocking your body , front and back , very junky .

Like you're giving yourself your back a gentle massage , right and left and slowly relax .

He likes the hands , he likes the legs , arms are close to the body , palms are facing up , eyes are closed and let your entire body relax .

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Take a breath thin .

If you breathe out will make the sound of a humming bee .

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See breathing and relax your entire body .

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I can call you .

So today we did a very holistic practice .

Some Asna is that you can practice on your own at home .

Make sure you follow up your Asna practice with some relaxation and a short meditation .

Good .


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